Knowledge Exchange

Innovation expertise, knowledge and methods are well known, and so are the challenges corporates are facing: changing corporate culture and organizations substantially to meet future work requirements.

Why not take networking to a new level and jointly find solutions for supposedly individual specific problems we are all facing? Following this question, the idea of the Innovation Circle was born in the Transformation Team of the Lufthansa Innovation Hub. In doing so, we apply what we preach: Test where the format takes us, set impulses, remain open to suggestions, learn and share knowledge. We see ourselves as hosts, we create the space and fill it with content together with the community.


Space for new ideas and innovation. The cross-industry exchange for digital units and innovation labs.

How to join?

Do you want to foster corporate innovation? Are you an expert on transformation? Do you want to learn from other corporates’ best practices? Looking for a solution for your innovation challenge?

Take part in our regular events and benefit from knowledge exchange, discussions and impulse presentations. We welcome new members at any point and of course our offer is free of charge and open to all interested corporate innovators!

Promote corporate innovation and profit from synergies

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What's in for you?


Exchange of experience and expertise


Learn from corporates’ best innovation practices


Setting impulses in joint discussions


Extend your corporate network

What to expect?

The first session took place on May 4th and focused on jointly establishing the network base and outlining expectations. We compared current innovation cultures of the participating corporates and discussed the role that communities play for innovation.

Our next Innovation Circle session is expected to take place at the end of 2022. Sign up above if you would like to receive an invitation to the next event. We look forward to seeing you!

Who is in?

We have teamed up with specialists and experts in the field of business innovation and transformation. Participating companies include global players from Germany's top-selling industries such as automotive, electrical engineering and chemical-pharmaceutical, well-known corporations from the media, retail and software sectors, as well as corporate giants from the travel & mobility tech ecosystem.

How we approach innovation?

We seek to transform and nurture corporate innovation with you. This is based on the belief that innovation and change in organizations require the right mindset of everyone involved. To us, this is reflected within three pillars of innovation that we would like to discuss with you over time: culture, leadership and organization.


Culture is an enabling force that helps shape a corporate ambience where employees feel empowered to experiment, take risks, speak up, share ideas and learn from past failures.

How can we build a culture that embraces innovation?


Leadership is one key force that is reflected in managers‘ and team leaders‘ ability to promote an innovation culture by motivating and empowering employees to learn, grow and achieve greater impact.

How can we help our leaders adapt their style to nourish corporate innovation?


Organization refers to the design of organizational structures so that they best help unfold a firm’s innovation potential. Innovation management and the generation of new ideas is also related to this pillar.

How do we create the necessary structures and processes for an effective innovation ecosystem?

Who we are?

The Lufthansa Innovation Hub (LIH) creates and captures value beyond flying together with the world’s largest aviation corporation. Our Transformation Team supports Lufthansa Group to integrate proven ways of thinking and methods of successful tech companies in its own innovation culture.
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